Yoruichi Mikami

Alchemist, ???


Age: 19
Race: Au Ra | Xaela
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Eyes: Greeny-Blue / Black Limbal
Hair: Black w/ Greeny-blue highlights
Skin/Markings/Scales/etc: Black Scales / Scales on Face / Doll-Like complexion / Long black tail
Skin: Pale / Doll-like
Classes: ALC, SAM
Occupation: Self-Taught Alchemist
Alignment: Neutral
Voice: Breathy
Personality: Timid, Quiet, Suspicious
Accent: Heavy Eastern
Aether/Magic Potential: Unknown

Her Story Starts Here..

Yoruichi is from Namai, Yanxia. Her father was very abusive when she did not want to train some days and her Mother was sweet and kind as any other, and hated when her husband would do this to their child, but she felt as though she could do nothing to stop it from happening again and again. Broken up over this, she eventually tried to leave her husband, and of course him not liking this; they argued. This lasted over the course of a couple of years, and eventually one day things got too extreme and Yoruichi's father killed his wife by accident. Her father covered it up well enough so it looked like a natural death, and with that; he would remain in Yoruichi's life for better, or for worse. Yoruichi was made to practice everyday since she was around 5 years old. Her abusive father's actions only got worse after the death of her mother.. One night after her father went to sleep, she took a wakizashi from it's rack in another room, then snuck into her fathers chambers and stabbed him fourty-four times in the chest and throat combined, leaving cuts randomly and haphazardly upon his torso and face; she was panicking, scared, and ultimately acting out of rage and fear. She didn't want to go through life with his abuse any longer, she finally snapped. She eventually stopped and fell back—falling off the bed and onto the floor. 'What have I done?' is but one set of words racing through her mind.. She just killed her father. She has no one. She cried through the night and stayed in her father's room for days until someone finally came to check on them—they had been missing for longer than usual. A concerned neighbor continued prying, looking through all the houses windows until he saw the ill-fate that fell upon his friend. Yoruichi was taken into custody and imprisoned for months to come. She didn't deserve to be here, she was broken from her fathers abuse—she couldn't take it anymore. Unfortunately, the man that saw her and her father lied to the authorities to some capacity, and she was sentenced to life in prison—that is.. until she was given, not sold, to the imperials at the age of twelve as a conscript. Apparently they didn't want to feed her any longer, or look at her, or even think about her.Yoruichi wasn't very good as a conscript, she was weak and broken. Instead she was forced into slavery where she was cruelly collared like a dog and made to satisfy the soldiers for morale. The collar was of Magitek design, of course and would shock her any time her masters deemed she broke a rule, had an attitude, or just wanted to for the thrill of it—not to mention her regular beatings from a certain power hungry Garlean, obsessed with making Au Ra feel particularly awful about themselves. He sacrificed many of their kind for the sake of "development and Garlemald". Fast forward some years down the road, the base she stayed at was destroyed, how she was not certain, but she was rescued along with many other children and other prisoners who were nothing but experiments. At some point, she found herself in Ul'dah, far away from Kugane, far away from anything she'd ever known. She barely scraped enough Gil together each week to afford a meal or two, as well as room, making a pitiful amount from the little bit of Alchemy she was teaching herself, since Severian wouldn't help her much, nor did he like her. At all—she wasn't very good at it, and often hurt herself in the process; but she didn't know what else to do if she wanted to survive—though she barely wanted to do that, anymore..Please note: RP progression may have happened since writing this.

Out of Character Information

So I guess I'll start with that I've been playing FFXIV for a few years now. I started way back on primal as a Miqo'te, on a trial account. I quit shortly after that, then came back and made an Au Ra girl also on primal; that I played on for a good bit. Eventually I stopped playing there due to boredom and lack of interesting people— minus my small friend group. I came to Balmung awhile ago, and made another Miqo'te (Who is now a FemRa in canon; God I love Au Ra), and well.. that's Kiyoko! My main that I've sunk way too many hours into.
I'm a pretty chill person, I love all sorts of games- some of which may surprise you. I'm a fucking emo, and listen to old bands like C&C, ADtR, SOAD, Slip, FIR, BB, BFMV, PtV (Ugh, yes), BvB, BtF (Ugh, yes x2), and many more. But I also love Joyner Lucas, Eminem, Little Dicky, (snort) and others. Uhmmm.. Yeah! If you wanna know more, ask I guess.
Thanks for reading, dork.
————————————————————————————————————————————I'm very much into "Normal" RP as I am in ERP.
• I AFK a LOT. If I don't respond sometimes, that's more than likely why.
• I'm a fantasia addict.. → Can I have it? ←
• I probably sound nothing like you'll imagine me being.
• Uhh, I'm a girl? Weird.
• I'm over 21.
• I'm in a relationship, don't try to break us up or get between us.. even if he IS a huge nerd.
• I keep all E/RP in-game between characters | Do not try to bring ERP OOC.
• I'm very approachable; I'm usually very sweet &/or shy. Mostly Shy IRL, tbh. Though I can be a confident, arrogant bitch too. ♥
• The shy quiet girls are always the kinkiest. ;)
• When my switch is flipped, I'm kind of an entirely different person.
• I make friends fairly easily, so don't be fooled by my appearance or the way I talk sometimes.
• I have a dark side, but.. you can probably tell by the list that you came for. Fucking pervert.
• I'm pretty open-minded on most things, so feel free to ask me about something you're interested that you don't see below!
• One thing I hate: Do not just start RP with me unless I have the RP tag on! You will be either ignored or turned down. Otherwise, feel free to just /tell and chill with me.

My other Carrd's and F-lists

Extra In-Character Information

Habits / Traits / Markings• Rather keeps to herself as much as possible.
• Very shy.
• Hates being outnumbered.
• She may seem distant.. empty.
• She is not confident.
• She is very skittish and nervous.
• She has numerous scars all over her back and stomach.
• She.. isn't the brightest person. Lacks common sense due to her treatment growing up.
• Tends to steal.. sometimes.
• She tends to be greedy when it comes to food.
• She doesn't trust easily.
• She knows how to wield Katana's and the like.
• Under enough stress.. she may change..
Likes/Dislikes• She likes nice people.
• She likes all food, she can't be picky.
• She likes when people give her things.
• She hates Garleans. All of them.
• She hates mean people.
• She hates men.. usually.